Conversion from offices (B1) to a gymnasium/ personal training centre (D2) with ancillary offices and alterations to fenestration at front.
Change of use
Development Type
Change of use
Colne Way Court, Unit 2 Colne Way, Watford, WD24 7NE
Change of Use to medical centre
Retrospective application for change of use of whole premises from Class B1 (office) [now Use Class E] to Class D1 (medical) use (also Use Class E).
4D Planning were instructed by a repeat client to prepare a retrospective planning application for the conversion of the former office building into a medical centre (use class E). The application included floor plans of the layouts which we produced and a planning statement addressing the relevant policies. 4D Planning liaised with Watford Council until a decision was made to grant planning permission.
At the time of the application the use classes were B1 and D1 but these have now changed to E1.
Change of use
Waltham Forest
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use
Tower Hamlets
Change of use
Change of use
Kensington and Chelsea
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use