Cheshire West & Chester
Change of use to offices medical and beauty treatment Sui Generis
Change of use
Development Type
Change of use
Listed building consent
City of London
7 - 11 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AF
Change of usage, Listed building Consent
Change of use from offices (B1) to flexible offices / Health Clinic (B1/D1)
4D Planning were instructed to advise the client on the feasibility of obtaining planning permission and listed building consent for a change of use of the ground floor unit of the premises (total floor space 99m2 GIA) to flexible B1 offices with D1 health care clinic. The new use would require internal alterations to the fabric of the listed property. 4D Planning advised what works can take place and what works will not be allowed. We liaised with the client and conservation officer at City of London Council. The applications were granted permission.
Cheshire West & Chester
Change of use
Richmond upon Thames
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use