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Conversion A3 unit (Use Class E) of listed building to a 2-bedroom flat (C3)

Development Type

Conversion into flats
Change of use
Listed building consent



140A Upper Street, N1 1QY

Development Type

Part conversion of listed restaurant building to a 2-bedroom flat


Proposed Development

Conversion of the A3 unit at second and third floor level (now considered Use Class E) and ancillary storage to create a 2- bedroom flat (Class C3), with associated refuse and gas meter at ground floor level, boiler flue at rear, extract on roof, replacement of side door at ground floor level, internal alterations.


4D Planning's role

4D Planning advised the client on the feasibility of developing the property. We ruled out many scenarios but advised that the top two floors would be suitable as residential. We were then instructed to produce a planning application, listed building consent application and associated architectural drawings and the heritage/ planning and design reports to achieve a successful outcome for our client. We liaised with several stakeholders to ensure all works would meet the planning and heritage guidance and conservation requirements. We negotiated with Islington Council on a number of matters and achieved a successful outcome for our client. Planning and listed building consent for the conversion and all internal and external works were approved subject to a section 106 legal agreement securing funds for affordable housing (as required in Islington for new flats).

For further projects in Islington see here: www.islingtonplanning.co.uk



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