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Replacement of existing windows and door for timber framed

Development Type

Replacement of windows



491 Holloway Road, Islington, London, N19 4DD

Development Type

Replacement of existing window and door units


Proposed Development

Replacement of existing window and door units at front basement elevation with timber framed windows and door.


4D Planning's role

4D Planning were instructed to prepare a retrospective planning application for a locally listed building in the borough of Islington, to seek approval for the ground floor windows and door. The former windows and door did not compliment the building or the street scene, therefore we argued that the new windows and door would respect the character of the building and would be a big improvement to the building. The new windows would be aligned with the windows above and would be of timber frame to match the character of the building and other neighbouring properties. Islington Council granted planning permission within 8 weeks from submission.

For further projects in Islington see here: www.islingtonplanning.co.uk



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