Tower Hamlets
Temporary change of use from B8 to Sui Generis (Cafe/Deli and Storage and Distribution)
Change of use
Development Type
Change of use
Conversion into flats
Causeway House, Furlong Road, Bourne End, SL8 5AH
Change of Use, Conversions into Flats
Prior notification application (Part 3, Class O) for change of use of existing building falling within Class B1(a) (Offices) to Class C3 (Dwellings) to create 8 x 1-bed flats, 2 x 2-bed flats and 1 x 3-bed flat (11 x flats in total)
4D Planning prepared a site appraisal to determine whether a conversion of the office building into flats would be feasible. We established that there is potential to achieve permission for the change of use under Prior Approval. We were then instructed to prepare the application and architectural drawings and statements. We liaised with Buckinghamshire Council until the application was approved for 11 flats.
Tower Hamlets
Change of use
Manchester City
Change of use
Kensington and Chelsea
Change of use
Change of use
Waltham Forest
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use
Change of use