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Replacement of sash windows with double glazed sash windows

Development Type

Replacement of windows



Halton House, Halton Road, N1 2EJ

Development Type

Replacement of windows


Proposed Development

Replacement of sash windows with double glazed sash windows to block of flats


4D Planning's role

4D Planning prepared the planning application documents and architectural drawings for the replacement of the sash windows with double glazed sash windows to a block of 14 flats in Islington. The residents of the block of flats were complaining that the single glazing was not up to standard, which resulted in condensation, damp and rotting window frames. The new windows would preserve the special character of the property while enhancing the thermal protection of the flats. Islington Council granted planning permission.

For further projects in Islington see here: www.islingtonplanning.co.uk



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