Sui Generis is a use class that covers all uses which are not defined by a specific use class.
In September 2020, changes to the Planning Use Classes Order redefined how land and buildings are classified in England. The new rules made "Sui Generis" a key term, as many categories now fall under this classification. Former Classes A4 and A5, as well as specific businesses like theatres, nightclubs, casinos, and launderettes, are now considered Sui Generis. This means they don't fit into any specific use class, making planning and development more complex. Understanding Sui Generis is crucial for navigating these new planning regulations.
The Sui Generis classification includes as well: large HMOs (Large houses with more than 6 people sharing), hostels, petrol stations, shops selling and / or displaying motor vehicles, scrap yards, retail warehouses, clubs, taxi or vehicle hire businesses, amusement centres, funfairs, waste disposal installations, betting office, pay day loan shop, alkali works, yards for the storage/distribution of minerals, fuel stations, police stations, tattoo parlours, beauticians, massage parlours, nail bars, landfill sites, motor sport arenas, firearm ranges.
HMOs with up to six occupants are classed as C4 Use Class. Meaning HMOs with seven or more occupants –large HMOs– are classified as Sui Generis.
Property developments in this class are subject to additional regulations, including requirements for good acoustics, parking in non sustainable locations (PTAL Rating being low) and a robust fire compliance strategy.
Can you change the usage under permitted development within the Sui Generis use class? The answer is you cannot change the use of a property within Sui Generis without applying for a Full Planning Application.
If you want to change the use of a Sui Generis HMO into a launderette or vice versa, you need a Full Planning Application. Even if you plan to change the number of occupants of an existing 8 Bed HMO, say from 8 to 10, you still need a Full Planning Application or a Non-Material amendments application on the previously approved 8 bedroom HMO Application.
Every property is unique and must comply with local planning/ licensing regulations.
4D Planning have many years of experience obtaining planning permission for a range of Sui Generis uses all over Greater London and other parts of the UK. Each project is unique and requires individual attention to detail to ensure a successful outcome. Contact us today for a free consultation.
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