Kensington and Chelsea
Change of use of rear parts of beauty salon (sui generis) to residential (C3)
Change of use
Development Type
Listed building consent
Kensington and Chelsea
Flat 3, 93 Cornwall Gardens, LONDON, SW7 4AX
Listed building consent for internal alterations
Refurbishment works at basement, ground and first floor levels including re-configuration of internal staircase and alterations to non original stud partitions.
4D Planning prepared the proposed drawings and assisted with the client with obtaining listed building consent retrospectively for internal works that had already been carried out. We liaised with the heritage and conservation officers to ensure that all the works carried out are acceptable and are illustrated correctly on the plans.
Kensington and Chelsea
Change of use
Kensington and Chelsea
Replacement of windows
Kensington and Chelsea
Basement extension
Kensington and Chelsea
Roof extension/ loft conversion
Kensington and Chelsea
Double storey extension
Kensington and Chelsea
Roof terrace/ balcony
Kensington and Chelsea
Replacement of windows
Kensington and Chelsea
Roof extension/ loft conversion
Kensington and Chelsea
Change of use