Kensington and Chelsea
Side and rear extension
Single storey extension
Development Type
Change of use
Kensington and Chelsea
85 Cromwell Road, SW7 5BW
Change of Use from B1 to Sui Generis
Change of use of premises from B1 offices to Sui Generis Health/ Medical Centre
4D Planning were instructed by the client to assist the architect to achieve planning permission for the change of use. We assessed the feasibility, prepared the Planning Statement, advised the architect and submitted the Change of use application for the conversion from offices (B1) to Sui Generis, medical / health centre. Planning permission was GRANTED by RBKC.
Kensington and Chelsea
Single storey extension
Kensington and Chelsea
Replacement of windows
Kensington and Chelsea
Other developments
Kensington and Chelsea
Other developments
Kensington and Chelsea
Listed building consent
Kensington and Chelsea
Roof terrace/ balcony
Kensington and Chelsea
Listed building consent
Kensington and Chelsea
Conversion into flats
Kensington and Chelsea
Change of use