Single storey rear extension, rear dormer window, Juliette balcony, roof lights, loft conversion, front porch, new outbuilding replacing garage
Single storey extension
Development Type
Change of use
Single storey extension
Conversion into flats
55 Sheaveshill Avenue, NW9 6SD
Change of use to clinic, new flat, single storey extension
Change of use from C3 use (residential) to D1 / E use (Surgery) at ground floor level. 1no. self-contained flat at first floor level (C3). Single story rear extension. Associated cycle and refuse store, 5no. off-street parking spaces and amenity space.
4D Planning undertook a site appraisal, and advised the client on the feasibility of achieving a medical centre/ clinic at the property. We were instructed to apply for Pre-application Advice with Barnet Council. We produced the architectural drawings taking all planning policies and planning guidance into consideration. We liaised with the planning officers and submitted a full planning application to address all issues and considerations. The application was for a medical centre/ clinic on the ground floor level with a flat above. The flat would have its own private amenity, private parking and refuse store. The proposal was recommended for approval and was referred to a planning committee due to local objections from neighbours. Our research for this project included understanding the complex requirements of the CQC (Care Quality Commission) and ensuring the layouts fully complied. We prepared the Planning, Design and Access Statement, Parking Survey and Parking Report to address parking stress on the road and we justified the need for this clinic dispute there being another one down the road. We spoke at the planning committee and delivered the three-minute speech. The local Councillors voted unanimously in favour of our proposal. Planning permission was approved by Barnet Council.
4D Planning conducted a feasibility site appraisal to assess whether planning permission can be achieved for a conversion of a vacant single family dwelling into a doctors surgery with up to 5 doctors. 4D Planning advised that there was a high chance the D1 (Use Class E) would be successful following intensive desktop research. We were then instructed to prepare a planning application and to meet the council via Pre Application Advice.
4D Planning prepared the application and all the architectural drawings in consultation with the planners from Barnet Council who advised to retain the first floor for residential use, therefore only the ground floor would be in use as D1 / E (surgery).
4D Planning prepared a parking survey in the wider area to determine if the proposed use would generate traffic and a loss of parking spaces to the local residents. The data was analysed by 4D Planning’s Transport Planner and it was concluded that there would not be a detrimental impact on the provision of parking along the road and on adjacent street. This was due to the good public transport links and due to the off street parking spaces which were included in the proposed development.
4D Planning also prepared a sequential approach test to determine if there was demand for another surgery on this location, since there was another doctors’ surgery on the same road. Our research concluded that there was demand to assist the NHS with relieving its overcrowded surgeries by introducing another one in a sustainable location.
The application proposal faced opposition from over 50 neighbours who signed a petition. The application went to committee and 4D Planning spoke at the meeting and addressed the neighbour’s concerns. The Borough of Barnet’s Councillors voted to grant planning permission unanimously.
This application is one of many ‘doctors surgeries’ that have been granted permission with the assistance of 4D Planning.
Single storey extension
Other developments
Replacement of windows
Single storey extension
Single storey extension
Listed building consent
Roof extension/ loft conversion
Single storey extension